Systems Programming
- Class policies
- Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated (Special thanks to Prof. Rami Melhem).
- Cheating on exam, project and home works will results in a grade of "0" for the first time (for all involved students) and, an "F in the course for the second time.
- Late project and home works will not be accepted.
- Exams will not be rescheduled except under extraordinary circumstances.
- Absence more that 5 times or Exam. score below 20 or No team project will result in a grade of "F" as well.
- Notices
- TA: Gilmo Choi,, #515 Natural Sciences Hall, office hours (Thursdays from 13:00 to 17:00)
- Sep. 29, 2014: No class (enjoy your campus festival).
- Oct. 6, 2014: No class (instructor attending a conference).
- 7PM, Oct. 17, 2014: A makeup class
- Report #1 score: PDF
- Oct. 20, 2014: Mid-exam
- Mid-exam, report #2, and #3 score: PDF
- Dec. 1, 2014: Invited talk (Taehyoung Kim, Team manager, KETI)
- Report #4, and #5 score: PDF
- Dec. 22, 2014: Final-exam
- Final exam score: PDF
- Total score: PDF
- Lecture notes